They Came, They Sang, They Conquered: LANY Live in Manila

This post was last updated on March 9th, 2021 at 04:56 pm

The alternative indie-pop US trio captures hearts across the metro – again and again

There can be no doubt about it: LANY (pronounced “Lay-Nee” and an acronym for Los Angeles-New York) has captured the hearts and imaginations of music lovers the world over – the largest cross-section of which, perhaps, is right here in the Philippines. The band members themselves, frontman and vocalist Paul Klein, Les Priest (guitarist), and Jake Goss (drummer), admit that their Philippine fans are the wildest, most appreciative crowd they have ever played for.

But hey, the proof of the pudding is in the screaming – LANY’s sold out shows across Ayala Malls on Aug. 8-9 were a deafening cacophony of screams and cheers, which seemed to emanate from the collective, electrified soul of the throng. Each Ayala Mall at which the band performed was packed to the rafters – but no one appeared to mind the body-on-body squeeze.

The crowd moved, swayed, sang, jumped, danced, and enjoyed as one frenzied organism, as LANY belted out hit after hit. This was the band’s second time in Manila – the first time they performed here was in 2016, at Wanderland – and the crowd just could not get enough of the three talented artists. Songs like “ILYSB,” “Good Girls,” “Dumb Stuff,” “4Ever,” and more, incited the audience to sky-high levels of enjoyment and appreciation.

From LA to NY, and back to Manila, LANY has captured the hearts of its fans

But what makes the trio that is LANY so insanely popular and well-loved? Maybe it’s their catchy riffs and melodic tunes. Perhaps it’s their sincere, heartfelt, totally relatable lyrics – a reflection, undoubtedly, of their own genuine nature as individuals.

“All our songs mean a lot to us. We take a lot of pride in pulling from real life, our inspirations and stories; we write about things that mean something to us,” Klein recounted at the pre-show press conference.

Or, it’s likely the way they connect with their fans (so much so that rose-throwing, roses having become the band’s signature thing, is a ritual at each show, as fans fill the stage with flowers). It could also be the fact that each member is easy – VERY easy – on the eyes. Definitely, it’s a combination of all those factors, plus a good measure of the band’s passion for their craft.

“This is what I was born to do – what we were born to do. It’s cool to find that lane in life and know that it’s yours and nobody else’s – and you stick to it,” Klein shared. “We’re super lucky to have families that were supportive of us from the very beginning; like my mom got me into piano lessons at the age of five. I think we all kinda have that story,” he added.

While on their downtime, in between their shows at the Ayala Malls, the band took to the city streets. They ducked into popular bars and restaurants, to the sheer delight of fans. At one bar, Klein apparently showed up as the watering hole’s singer was playing a cover of “ILYSB.” Needless to say, the crowd went crazy and belted out the song – along with the LANY frontman – at the top of their lungs.

With this kind of down-to-earth meets dreamy yet authentic vibe, it’s no wonder that LANY fever has swept Manila and the rest of the globe. And, in all likelihood, it’s only going to burn even hotter.