Rustan’s romances the Mediterranean

This post was last updated on March 26th, 2020 at 02:58 pm

The Mediterranean, collectively comprised of the counties bordering the sea of the same name, conjures images of a carefree and charmed life, brimming over with passion, zeal, historic lore, and romance. In recognition of the attraction and allure of this region, Rustan’s, the Philippines’ premier retailer, showcased finely crafted products from the heart of the Mediterranean by way of specially curated vignettes and product selections.
“Romancing the Mediterranean,” held at Rustan’s Makati throughout August, featured world-class merchandise from renowned Spanish, Italian, and French brands.
“The lure of the Mediterranean goes back to ancient times. There is something so fascinating about the Mediterranean that Rustan’s, in keeping with its vision to bring the word to the Philippines, opens this showcase,” Zenaida Rustia Tantoco, Rustan Commercial Corporation Chairman and CEO, said at the well-attended launch of the month-long festival.
Lovers of this Mediterranean lure came out in full force, for a night of festive entertainment, delicious food, and fine merchandise, to kick-off this celebration of culture. This slice of the Mediterranean’s Epicurean lifestyle started off with angelic melodies from child opera singer, eight-year-old British-Filipina Harriette Wharmby. On the heels of a few impassioned speeches and words of welcome from Rustan’s top brass and some special guests, fiery flamenco performances were rendered by the Fundacion Centro Flamenco, after which, guests were feted to sumptuous food and wines at the Mediterranean stations, featuring well-loved dishes from Spain, France and Italy.
Dignitaries in attendance at the launch included Department of Trade and Industry Secretary Ramon M. Lopez, French Embassy Charge d’Affaires Laurent Le Godec, Italian Ambassador Massimo Roscigno, Spanish Ambassador H.E. Luis Antonio Calvo Castaño and wife Madame Maria Jose Carrasco.

Ian & Janna Simpao of Bride and Breakfast’s Italian lifestyle table setting vignette

Italian Ambassador to the Philippines His Excellency Massimo Roscigno and Ambassador of Panama to the Philippines His Excellency Rolando Guevara Alvarado

Harriette Wharmby, 8 year old opera singer

Performance by the Fundacion Centro Flamenco

Rustan’s Zenaida Tantoco, Italian Ambassador to the Philippines His Excellency Massimo Roscigno, Rustan’s Maritess Tantoco Enriquez, and Chairman Emeritus Amb. Bienvenido Tantoco, Sr.

French Embassy Charge d’Affaires in the Philippines Laurent Le Godec, Italian Ambassador to the Philippines His Excellency Massimo Roscigno, Department of Trade and Industry Secretary Ramon M. Lopez, Ambassador of Spain to the Philippines His Excellency Luis Antonio Calvo Castaño, Rustan’s Chairman Emeritus Amb. Bienvenido Tantoco, Sr., Rustan’s Chairman and CEO Zenaida Tantoco, Madame Maria Jose Carrasco, Rustan Commercial Corporation Member of the Board Maritess Tantoco Enriquez, and Rustan Commercial Corporation President Donnie Tantoco.

Betsy Westendorp and Elena Colome

Rustan’s Zenaida Tantoco, Madame Maria Jose Carrasco, Ambassador of Spain to the Philippines His Excellency Luis Antonio Calvo Castaño, Rustan’s Chairman Emeritus Amb. Bienvenido Tantoco, Sr., and Rustan’s Maritess Tantoco Enriquez

Rustan Commercial Corporation Chairman and CEO Zenaida Tantoco, Rustan’s Chairman Emeritus Amb. Bienvenido Tantoco, Sr., Ambassador of Panama to the Philippines His Excellency Rolando Guevara Alvarado, Ambassador of Spain to the Philippines His Excellency Luis Antonio Calvo Castaño, Jose Rodriguez, and Madame Maria Jose Carrasco

Hannah, Karen, and Cito Beltran

Department of Trade and Industry Secretary Ramon M. Lopez