Orchestra Concert for a Cause at SEDA BGC

This post was last updated on March 26th, 2020 at 02:54 pm

Seda BGC, in cooperation with MasterCard and Qatar Airways, presented an orchestra concert featuring world-renowned Italian maestro Ruggero Barbieri and the Filipinas Chamber Orchestra with special guest, Hail Mary the Queen Children’s Choir.
Maestro Barbieri was Music Director and Principal Conductor of the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra from 1996 to 2004. Having been mentored by the most prestigious conductors in Europe, he has worked with the world’s best orchestras and was awarded by His Majesty King Juan Carlos of Spain, the Cruz de Isabel la Catolica, the highest honor given to artists.
Maestro Barbieri formed the Filipinas Chamber Orchestra in 2005. He has been coming back to the Philippines for special performances, and at Seda BGC, he enthralled the audience with a repertoire of light classical music, Filipino favorites and world-loved Christmas carols.
TV host Jean de Castro emceed the event. As a surprise to guests, Qatar Airways auctioned off a roundtrip Business Class ticket. A portion of the proceeds benefitted the Hero Foundation.

Seda’s Andrea Mastellone and Genny Puno, Jean de Castro and Maestro Ruggero Barbieri

Seda’s Melissa Carlos and Genny Puno with Mastercard’s Mike Miranda

Seda’s Andrea Mastellone, Maestro Ruggero Barbieri, Qatar Airways Country Manager Paolo Pausini and Italian Consul Antonio Gallo

Mike and Cathy Turvill and Genny Puno (center)

Olivia Limpe-Aw and Seda Group General Manager Andrea Mastellone

Mia Borromeo, Hon. Consul to Monaco Patricia Zobel de Ayala, Alex Floro, Andrea Tan, and Arthur Tan

Maestro Ruggero Barbieri and the Filipinas Chamber Orchestra

Maestro Ruggero Barbieri with Hail Mary the Queen Children’s Choir