New Shampoo Bar Re-Launching to Support Humane Society International’s Global #BeCrueltyFree Campaign

This post was last updated on March 26th, 2020 at 02:55 pm

Lush is re-launching its global best-selling New shampoo bar to encourage consumers to get behind Humane Society International’s global campaign to ban cosmetic animal testing and trade by signing their petition at The revamped New shampoo bar is now adorned with the charity’s Be Cruelty Free message in both English and simplified Chinese (as a #hashtag and a Weibo #topic) – the two most commonly used languages on social media.
More than one million people worldwide have signed #BeCrueltyFree petitions calling on their governments to ban cruel cosmetics. In conjunction with intensive political lobbying and public campaigning by HSI and others, this pressure has so far driven 36 countries or regions around the world to introduce animal testing or sales bans in their cosmetics laws – including the European Union, Israel, India, New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan and most recently Switzerland.
Claire Mansfield, HSI’s global #BeCrueltyFree campaigns directorcomments:“Humane Society International’s #BeCrueltyFree campaign is proud to have Lush’s support and we’re excited to kick off 2017 with this collaboration. More than 1.7 billion consumers now live in cruelty-free cosmetics markets and the #BeCrueltyFree move­ment continues to grow. Lush’s revamped New shampoo bar will spread our #BeCru­eltyFree message to an ever greater number of consumers and help us end cosmetics cruelty around the world once and for all.”
Hilary, Lush Ethics Director comments: “The horror of cosmetics testing will not be over for animals until the whole world switches to more modern non-animal safety testing methods. Only when this ugly practice is over will our industry truly be the Beauty business. Until that day we all need to keep spreading the message, so it is an honour to be able to help Humane Society InternationaI’s global #BeCrueltyFreecampaign.”
New shampoo bar is a solid bar with cinnamon, clove and peppermint to stimulate your scalp. Cinnamon leaf, bay and clove bud essential oils combine with peppermint to boost blood flow, stimulating the hair follicles. An infusion of nettle and peppermint helps to stimulate the scalp and promote healthy hair. Rosemary soothes, calms your scalp and adds a glorious shine to your hair.