Leisure time under threat by increasingly busy lives

This post was last updated on March 26th, 2020 at 02:52 pm

A global survey of more than 10,000 people in 22 countries shows lack of leisure time and changing attitudes to play
As everyday life becomes increasingly busy in today’s society, the amount of leisure time people have is diminishing and important play time is under threat. Almost one in three (30 percent) adults have less than 10 hours of free time per week, and 36 percent have less than two hours per day, as the demands of modern life start to eat into free time.
Leading home appliance brand Beko, Premium Partner of FC Barcelona, commissioned a survey of 10,100 people of all ages and demographics in 22 countries around the world to identify trends in play and leisure time.
Children’s play time is also being affected by their parents’ busy lives, with 40 percent of parents revealing they haven’t taken their child to play at a park in the past year. In an average week, children have three hours less leisure time (21 hours) these days compared to their parents’ generation (24 hours).
A staggering 70 percent do not rank playing sport or going to the gym/exercising as one of their favorite leisure time activities and nearly a third (30 percent) of people admit they never exercise.
Other key findings
• Women have three hours less play time per week compared to men (19 hours vs. 22 hours)
• 38 years old is the age when people most crave the chance to have more play time in their lives, with 63 percent wishing they had more leisure time rather than more money
• With leisure time increasingly under threat, spending time with family has become more important, with 64 percent choosing this as their favorite activity, followed by relaxing at home (62 percent) and socializing with friends (46 percent)
The World Play Shortage Report is part of Beko’s Official Partner of Play campaign.