La Nuit des idées (The Night of Ideas) in the Philippines: (Re)-building the cultural sector

The Embassy of France to the Philippines and the Alliance française de Manille present la Nuit des idées (The Night of Ideas), a roundtable discussion on the theme “(Re)building Together: Smart Ideas, Smart Projects Born during the Pandemic,” streaming live from the Ayala Museum on Thursday, May 26, 2022 at 7:00 PM on the Facebook pages of the French Embassy and the Alliance française de Manille.

First organized in Paris in 2016, the Night of Ideas has become a global celebration of ideas and knowledge where hundreds of lectures, conferences, roundtables, screenings, and artistic performances are organized across the world, including in the Philippines, to discuss challenges and offer solutions on a common theme.

This year’s theme, “(Re)building together,” seeks to explore the resilience and reconstruction of societies in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In many respects, the COVID-19 pandemic radically changed everyday life. The cultural sector was particularly affected as public health measures forced museums, galleries, cinemas, expos, and other artistic institutions to find new ways to support artists and reach their audiences.

In the Philippines, the Night of Ideas seeks to serve as a platform to explore how individuals, the private sector, civil society, and government are emerging from this global crisis with new ideas and projects to rebuild the cultural sector and help institutions and artists adapt to what is now called the “new normal.”

The following Filipino and international speakers will share their advocacies and solutions in rebuilding the cultural sector: Mariles Gustilo (Director, Ayala Museum); Ricky Francisco (Brave New World); Geraldine Araneta (Co-founder, Art Fair Philippines); André-Yves Portnoff (Futuribles – France); Matei Visniec (Théâtre de la Ville Paris – France); Charisse Tugade (Executive Director, National Book Development Board of the Philippines); Fabia Bettini, Gianluca Giannelli and Alice nella Città (Cinema da casa – Italy); Dondon Monteverde (Producer, Reality MM Studios); Sabrina Durand (Regional Music Attachée – France); Chris Millado (Artistic Director, Cultural Center of the Philippines); Illac Diaz, Silvana Diaz and Karen Capiz (Liter of Light); and JP Gopez (Director, “Theory of Light”).

La Nuit des idées (Night of Ideas) 2022 is organized in partnership with the Ayala Museum, the Cultural Center of the Philippines, the Philippine-Italian Association, Art Fair Philippines, Liter of Light, the National Book Development Board, and Brave New World.