Flow in the Farm: Wellness Weekend Market

This post was last updated on March 26th, 2020 at 02:58 pm

Sept. 3, The Farm Shed Cafe, Acacia Waldorf School, Hacienda Sta. Elena, Sta. Rosa, Laguna; for more information, visit www.flowretreats.com.
Go with the flow from the city to the farm and retreat to the tranquil The Farm Shed Cafe and spend a day rejuvenating with yoga, contemplation and natural health.
Flow in the Farm is a one-day wellness lifestyle event featuring yoga, holistic workshops, activities, eco products and food that are all natural, wholesome and organic.
Flow Retreats invites instructors, artists, crafters, makers, musicians, speakers, foodies to gather, mingle and connect with like-minded individuals by sharing ideas, products and knowledge in wellness, sustainable and mindful living.
For Energy Exchange classes, please bring organic fruits and produce or healthy items as “payment” for the class.
Flow Retreats also encourage the participants to donate PhP300, which will in turn grant them access to a short organic farm tour, pick and pay harvest, animal encounters, and freebies. Proceeds will go to the farm and its efforts.
The workshop fee is priced at PhP880 for three classes except for premium workshops (like Scentplay; Making your own Waldorf doll; Paint your own canvas bag; The Healing powers of Fairy Tales, Archetypes and simple drawings; and Make your own Mala Bead necklace workshop). Farm Shed Cafe workshop rates include coffee and tea.