European Congressmen visit Czech projects in Samar

This post was last updated on March 26th, 2020 at 02:51 pm

Congressmen of five Central European countries recently visited the humanitarian and development projects provided to those affected by Typhoon Yolanda. During the three-day stay, the representatives were able to visit the Philippine Congress, as well as the people living in the infamous “Smokey Mountain” in Tondo, Manila.
The visit likewise included an inspection of several Czech-run projects in and around Basey and Guian in Samar was made possible through the assistance of both People in Need and Caritas Czech Republic.
The journey of the congressmen from Czechia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Slovakia was organized by the biggest Central European non-governmental organization – the Czech People in Need (PIN), headed by its Manila-based Philippine Country Director Canny Geyer.

Central European Congressmen with Czech Ambassador Jaroslav Olsa Jr.
Central European Congressmen with Czech Ambassador Jaroslav Olsa Jr.

Assistance projects
“Hats down to People in Need organization and to all those who helped not only in the Philippines, but around the world, in those countries most stricken by poverty,” Slovak congressman L’uboš Blaha said before bidding farewell to Manila. “What I am happily bringing back in memory are the faces of Filipinos, capable of enjoying life despite living in underprivileged areas in the country. They are beautiful, optimistic people of good and vibrant spirit.”
PIN and Caritas Czech Republic have implemented projects in Samar Island, while the Czech branch of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) helped the people in Panay.
PIN continued their long-term reconstruction and development programs in the sectors of livelihood and market development, agriculture, land issues, and civil society development. For their part, Caritas Czech Republic followed their initial aid with the renewal of schools and support for agriculture, which includes cultivation of low cost rice and alternative crops and the use of natural fertilizers. ADRA Czech Republic transitioned their focus on shelter, livelihood and disaster risk reduction.
The joint study trip was aimed to introduce the parliamentarians to the mechanisms of development cooperation’s implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and how it should be based on country and community needs.
“I hope this visit shows that help from smaller countries are as much meaningful as the aid coming from the traditional large players. Optimistically, the journey would open doors to deeper appreciation of the benefits of aid and development projects,” said Jan Vytopil, Deputy Head of Mission at the Czech Embassy.
The delegation was represented by Hon. Rainer Varka, Head of the Committee on Environment of the Parliament of the Republic of Estonia, Hon. L’uboš Blaha, Head of the Committee for European Affairs and Member of the Committee for Foreign Affairs of the Parliament of the Slovak Republic, Hon. Virginijus Sinkevicius, Head of the Committee for Economic Affairs of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania and Deputy Chair of Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union, Hon. Rihards Kols, Deputy Head of the Committee for Foreign Affairs and Member of the Committee for European Affairs of the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia and Hon. Pavel Plzák, Member of the Committee on Petitions and Foreign Affairs of the Parliament of the Czech Republic.
Central European Congressmen with PIN-Samar Provincial Manager Pavel Muron and Vice Gov. Marcelo Picardal
Central European Congressmen with PIN-Samar Provincial Manager Pavel Muron and Vice Gov. Marcelo Picardal