Accomplishing National Vision

This post was last updated on March 26th, 2020 at 02:53 pm

Brunei’s 33rd National day
Hundreds of well-wishers came to the Rizal Ballroom at the Makati Shangri-La to partake in the celebration of the 33rd National Day of Brunei Darussalam on Feb. 23.
For this year’s Brunei National Day, newly designated Bruneian Ambassador Johariah Wahab hosted the auspicious occasion themed “Menjayakan Wawasan Negara,” which translates to “accomplishing the national vision.”
“I arrived only about three months ago and I must say that I am overwhelmed, not by the work, but overwhelmed by the warm welcome given to me by the Filipino people and the friendship extended to me by the diplomatic corps,” Ambassador Wahab beamed during her address. “I can say that I feel at home in the Philippines.”
The night commemorated the 33 years since Brunei Darussalam achieved full independence from the United Kingdom in 1984. Today, Brunei continues to develop and enjoy stability and social harmony under the leadership of his Majesty Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah.
Also feting the 33rd anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between Brunei and the Philippines, Ambassador Wahab also recognized the strengthening and broadening of the relations and its contribution to the national development of both countries.
“We share strong ties between our people. Today, thousands of Filipinos are in Brunei where many are part of the important work force that contributes to national development, and I thank them for their incredible contribution and look forward to the continued constructive participation,” the Ambassador said.
“Our relations has been nurtured and developed over the years through frequent exchange of visits between our leaders and people, summated by cultural relation between our government and business entities in a wide range of areas.”
The Ambassador likewise expressed their country’s support to the Philippines for the 2017 chairmanship of the ASEAN summit.
“Brunei is confident that the work of ASEAN will be profound and we will see much achievement and progress to ASEAN and the Philippines’ chairmanship.”

Argentine Ambassador Roberto Bosch; Laura Sion; and Romanian Charge d’ Affaires Mihai Sion

Bruneian Amb. Joharia Wahab delivers her speech while Papua New Guinea Amb. Christian Vihruri and Undersecretary Ariel Abadilla looks on

Cambodian Amb. Tuot Panha; Indonesian Amb. Johny J. Lumintang; Pakistan Amb. Safdar Hayat; and Mexico Amb. Julio Camarena Villaseñor

Joel Cruz, president & CEO of Aficionado Germany Perfumes; Singaporean Amb. Kok Li Peng; and Expat’s Butch Bonsol

Lolita Mirpuri and South Korean Ambassador Kim Jae-Shin

Mexican Amb. Julio Camarena Villaseñor; Bruneian Amb. Johariah Wahab; and Turkey Amb. Esra Cankorur

Minister and Deputy Chief of Mission Munin Paniswasdi of Royal Thai Embassy and Cambodian Amb. Tuot Panha

Pakistan Amb. Safdar Hayat and Romanian Charge d’ Affaires Mihai Sion

Panamanian Amb. Rolando A. Guevara Alvarado; Minister Counselor Fernando Miguel of Angola; Papua New Guinea Amb. Christian Vihruri; and Cambodian Amb. Tuot Panha