Cebu inter-modal transport system eyed

This post was last updated on March 26th, 2020 at 02:46 pm

The Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) welcomes the Integrated Inter-Modal Transport System Program for Cebu following the announcement of Department of Transportation (DOTr) Secretary Arthur Tugade that the DOTr is set to implement as a “basket of solutions” to the mass transit needs and to address the traffic congestion in the metropolitan area.
CCCI President Consul Antonio N. Chiu said that this multi-faceted set of infrastructure investments when complemented with non-infrastructure initiatives could hopefully ensure the smooth flow of people, vehicles, goods, services and investments in the island of Cebu.
“We look forward to the system that incorporates the Bus Rapid Transit, Point-to-Point Bus System. Light Rail Transit, monorail and even the Intelligent Transportation System. We look forward to the collaboration of all stakeholders in the quick implementation of these projects to shorten the suffering of the Cebuano community,” Chiu declared.
Oversight body
Further, the CCCI supports the proposal of the Central Visayas Regional Development Council (CVRDC) to create the Metro Cebu Traffic Management Council (MCTMC).
Chiu believes that having an oversight body consisting of relevant government agencies with private/business sector representatives promises to be an institutional mechanism to address traffic management in the metropolitan area and alleviate the monstrous traffic congestion that has affected all sectors of society, which is also believed to have pushed foreign and local investors away from Cebu.
The challenge is how to “walk the talk” in translating into coherent policies and guidelines the strict observance of basic laws and regulations, speedy and smooth implementation of infrastructure projects such as roads and the intermodal mass transit systems, while inculcating a cultural shift through education and discipline of the drivers and the commuting public.
Chiu also added that should the MCTMC be organized immediately, the body should have its functionality in place, clear accountability spelled out, exercise transparency in all its actions and decisions to be effective and efficient.


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