We all scream for (MORE!) Carmen’s Best Ice cream

This post was last updated on March 26th, 2020 at 02:58 pm

The premium dairy brand gives us delicious reasons to cry out for more
If it looks like ice cream, smells like ice cream, tastes like ice cream, then it MUST BE ice cream. Correct? Wrong! It is the dairy industry’s dirty little secret, in fact, that not all dairy products are, well, DAIRY. So while your “ice cream” may have all the seeming attributes of a milk-filled dairy delight, the truth of the matter may very well be up in the air. Or, more precisely, filled with air. And a whole lot of vegetable fat and powdered milk solids.
With Carmen’s Best, what you see is what you get: premium ice cream, made from the finest, freshest purest milk, mixed with high quality, natural flavors and ingredients.
Perfect equation
Paco Magsaysay, bonafide ice cream lover, dairy geek, and founder and creator of Carmen’s Best Dairy and Ice Cream, is proud to say that their frozen goodies are 100 percent genuine and premium; from the milk to all components used for the different flavors. “For our ice creams, we use only fresh milk from our farms. And good ice cream should be 80 percent dairy,” shared Magsaysay. “So that’s 80 percent of the solution towards a good product.”
The remaining 20 percent of Magsaysay’s perfect equation is comprised of the best food stuff from across the globe to come up with the label’s unique favors. Each mouthwatering creation is developed personally by Magsaysay, and by his 18-year-old daughter Carmen, the ice cream line’s namesake. Think: vanilla beans from Madagascar, malted milk powder from England, purple yam jam from the highlands of Baguio, coffee from Brazil, and now – for its two newest flavor offerings – coffee from Vietnam, and milk tea from Malaysia.

The namesake of Carmen's Best, Carmen Magsaysay with dad and company founder, Paco
The namesake of Carmen’s Best, Carmen Magsaysay with dad and company founder, Paco

Uncompromising goodness
You can wait until the cows come home, but the brand that has been delighting discriminating dairy devotees since 2011 with its impeccable ice cream goodness and exciting, inimitable flavors shows no signs of compromising its commitment to quality, no matter the cost. “We would never think of cutting corners or scrimping on quality,” Magsaysay noted, “because then our customers would know. I would know. We only, always, use the best: from our milk to our add-ins, to our production process – it’s all top quality.”
Carmen’s Best is, quite literally, milking you for your money’s worth, and that is what makes the ice cream so incredibly special. Each spoonful is a creamy symphony of taste and texture, pleasing your palate and awakening your senses to ice cream’s pure joys. Or, in this case, to the joys of pure ice cream!
Flavors to scream about
Recently, the name in honest-to-goodness ice cream took its already impressive roster (over 40 variants, to date) to the next level with the addition of two new flavors, Vietnamese Coffee and Milk Tea. The former is a blend of bold and rich Vietnamese coffee beans and sweet, velvety condensed milk; while the latter is a scrumptious take on the ever-popular milk tea drink, but in ice cream form.
Carmen's Best's five new and exciting flavors
Carmen’s Best’s five new and exciting flavors

Aside from introducing two new flavors, the spotlight is also on three of the label’s edgy and exceptional concoctions: Secret Breakfast, Turkish Baklava, and He’s Not Worth It. First up is a taste that will thrill adventurous palates in search of an almost illicit brekky – bourbon and cornflake bits swirling about in smoothly churned milk make for a delectable Secret Breakfast. Turkish Baklava is an exotic indulgence
made from the Middle Eastern sweet pastry of layers of flaky filo, filled with chopped nuts, and infused with rich honey and a blend of spices. Sheer pleasure! And while that ex-flame may not be worth it, the comforting combination of dark chocolate loaded with nuts and fudge – the tantalizing trifecta that makes up He’s Not Worth It – most certainly is! The perfect pick-me-up for your heavy heartstrings.
Go ahead, have a cow
It’s time to stop selling yourself short, with frozen desserts that make smooth-talking, empty promises. Carmen’s Best delivers on their devotion to serving up one excellent scoop after another. So much so that the proudly Filipino brand is served on outbound flights of Philippine Airlines business class section, and is now offered in select restaurants in Hong Kong. Further, this premium product has received numerous awards, including Best Choice Artisanal Ice Cream Brand, overall winner in Our Awesome Planet’s Ultimate Taste Test, as well as having been cited as one of the Manila Survival Guide’s Top Five Artisanal Ice Creams.
Carmen’s Best: the ice cream that is definitely worth having a cow about.
For more product and store information, visit www.carmensbest.com, or call/text (02) 809-2042 or (0917) 567-BEST (2378).