A most civilized night, indeed

This post was last updated on March 26th, 2020 at 03:22 pm

Sofitel collaborates with Cordier Mestrezat Grands Crus for an evening of fine Bordeaux wines and fabulous French cuisine
British wine critic, writer and auctioneer Michael Broadbent said: “Drinking good wine with good food in good company is one of life’s most civilized pleasures.” Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila in partnership with Cordier Mestrezat Grands Crus recently showcase all things civilized and refined at an exclusive Cordier Club Elite wine dinner, presided over by Cordier Mestrezat Grands Crus’ Southeast Asia Ambassador Thibault Odent.
The premier wine collection from Bordeaux was magnificently paired with a five-course dinner prepared by Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila’s Restaurant Operations Chef Paul Cottanceau-Pocard.
In celebration of life’s finer things, guests happily indulged in five Bordeaux wines, from the Grand Crus wine collection: Château de Candale – Cordier Club Elite 2010, La Croix de Boyd Cantenac- Cordier Club Elite 2010, Château Pouget – Cordier Club Elite 2010, Château La Rousselière – Cordier Club Elite 2010 and Le Cloître de Grand-Puy Ducasse – Cordier Club Elite 2010.
Bordeaux basics
To put it simply, Bordeaux is a wine region in France, and is also the most renowned wine region in the world. Bordeaux is likewise the name of the wines which come out of this region.
Although there are also white wines and rosés produced in the area, it is Bordeaux’s red wines which are most highly acclaimed.
“Bordeaux red wines are a mixture of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, and the blend depends on which side of Gironde estuary the wine is from,” Hugo Moronval, AWC Philippines, Inc. Sales and Marketing Manager, explained to guests at the wine dinner. If the winery is located on the Left Bank, the blend created will have more Cabernet Sauvignon than Merlot. “If the winery is located on the left bank of the river, the blend of the wine will have more Cabernet Sauvignon than Merlot. This makes it stronger and higher in alcohol and tannins. If the winery is on the right bank of the river, the wine will have more Merlot than Cabernet Sauvignon, and the wine will be softer and smoother to drink.”
Bordeaux wines are highly prized for their heritage, and are complex products of excellent terroir (which encompasses everything from soil, to climate, to air, to water) and skillful know-how of the region’s wine makers.
Beautiful Bordeaux blends meet fabulous French fare
For starters, the modern and elegant, Château La Rousselière 2010 was poured out. The smooth, dense blend, with tasting notes characterized by mocha, was perfectly paired with the appetite-opening dish of tendon cracker, beef tartare and pickled egg yolk purée.
The second appetizer – pickled beetroot parcel, Brie, raspberry gel, walnut crumb, dressed with aged Balsamic vinegar – was best enjoyed with the mellow woodiness and notes of blackberry, redcurrant and raspberry of the Le Cloître De Grand-Puy Ducasse, 2010 vintage.
With appetites nicely whetted, and spirits soaring high, the happy bunch of diners eagerly partook of the first main course, a palate-pleasing lamb rack, rolled in olive powder, served with pea foam, char-grilled zucchini, fried haloumi, and zucchini purée. The rich and hearty flavor of lamb was nicely complemented by the notes of lightly smoky vanilla and forest fruit of the La Croix De Boyd-Cantenac,
By way of a second main course, Chef Paul prepared a savory dish of sous vide duck breast, with parsnip purée, parsnip chips, nectarine and pickled red cabbage. A glass or two of the rich Château Pouget, 2010, with its subtle bouquet of roasted notes, along with enchanting notes of summer and forest fruits, made for a delicious journey into gourmet heaven.
Luscious deconstructed Opera Cake, served with the intense and robust Château De Candale, 2010, with roasted notes and the aroma of well-matured red berries: black cherry, and blueberry, were the absolute perfect ending to a highly pleasurable meal.
To life’s most civilized (and most delicious!) of pleasures, we raise our Bordeaux-filled glasses!