MMQ Theatre and Event Group: Endings and beginnings

This post was last updated on March 26th, 2020 at 03:00 pm

An afternoon of looking back and paying it forward was highlighted during the gathering of friends and members of MMQ Theatre and Event Group together with its two worthiest charities: EVA Charity Foundation and The Stairway Foundation.
As American best-selling author Mitch Albom once stated, “All endings are also beginnings.” And before formally closing its doors last March 29, MMQ Theatre and Events Group occluded its business here in the Philippines by opening new windows to assure that it’s mission to serve as a vehicle in helping the less fortunate will keep on going.
MMQ donated both its physical and monetary assets to two of the worthiest charities in the Philippines; EVA Charity Foundation (for the MMQ AETA School in Bataan, Mt. Pinatubo) and the Stairway Foundation (for its theatre program that serves as therapy production for homeless and abused children from Manila and Puerto Galera).
Since its inception in 2007, MMQ has produced fun and exceptional theatrical performances, with the proceeds devoted to worthwhile women’s and children’s charities throughout the Philippines.
“Our mission is to produce art that is exceptional, multi-cultural, and unique. [Then] with those theatre and events, we’re able to give the money to where it is needed the most; to the women and children who are disadvantaged in this country,” shared Michelle Washington, president and founder of MMQ.
“The vehicle to help the less fortunate is to bring together the expat and Filipino community through performance and art; so what we’ve done is to develop a network of foreigners/expats and Filipinos to give something meaningful,” Sandra Tockes, vice president of MMQ added.
EVA Charity Foundation builds schools for the Philippines’ indigenous children. Through their work with the Bureau of Indigenous People, EVA takes requests from AETA communities and assists in finding resources and building educational institutions in their neighborhoods. From its first Le Cabaret show, MMQ donated the seed money to build schools for the AETA community in Bataan. And before closing its doors, MMQ donates again to the EVA AETA School in order to maintain the school’s future.
“It all started in 2007, I saw the plight of the aetas and I said, ‘They looked like me. I need to help them.’ Two years later, we went up the hill to Bataan and I heard the children laughing; and I knew then that we we’re on to something. We’re gonna’ help more children.” Michelle Washington beams.
Meanwhile, MMQ donated all its theatrical properties to the Stairway Foundation to help enable future productions and therapy for many children they serve throughout Manila and Puerto Galera. Stairway Foundation has produced original theatrical performances as therapy for hundreds of homeless and abused children.

(L-R) Robert Lane, Chairman of the Board, EVA Charity Foundation; Jenny Wallum, President & Founder, EVA Charity Foundation; Geraldine Tan; Mari Moya, Trustee, MMQ Theatre and Events Group; Sandra Tockes, Vice President, MMQ Theatre and Events Group; Michelle Washington, President & Founder, MMQ Theatre and Events Group; Bing Carrion, Area 5 Director, ZONTA; Faith Escobar, Trustee, MMQ Theatre and Events Group; Stuart Bloom; Jo Flour, Co-Proprietor, Le Cellier Wines; Bekah Padua, Executive and Events MMQ Theatre and Events Group
(L-R) Robert Lane, Chairman of the Board, EVA Charity Foundation; Jenny Wallum, President & Founder, EVA Charity Foundation; Geraldine Tan; Mari Moya, Trustee, MMQ Theatre and Events Group; Sandra Tockes, Vice President, MMQ Theatre and Events Group; Michelle Washington, President & Founder, MMQ Theatre and Events Group; Bing Carrion, Area 5 Director, ZONTA; Faith Escobar, Trustee, MMQ Theatre and Events Group; Stuart Bloom; Jo Flour, Co-Proprietor, Le Cellier Wines; Bekah Padua, Executive and Events MMQ Theatre and Events Group

Peter Wallace and Sandra Tockes, Vice President of MMQ Theatre and Event Group

Bekah Padua; Sandra Tockes; Michelle Washington; Mari Moya; Faith Escobar; and Jo Flour

Michelle Washington, President & Founder, MMQ Theatre and Events Group and Sandra Tockes, Vice President, MMQ Theatre and Events Group

Sandra Tockes, Vice President of MMQ Theatre and Events Group and Geraldine Tan

Jenny Wallum, President & Founder of EVA Charity Foundation; Sandra Tockes, Vice President of MMQ Theatre and Events Group; Robert Lane, Chairman of the Board, EVA Charity Foundation; Michelle Washington, President & Founder
Jenny Wallum, President & Founder of EVA Charity Foundation; Sandra Tockes, Vice President of MMQ Theatre and Events Group; Robert Lane, Chairman of the Board, EVA Charity Foundation; Michelle Washington, President & Founder